Submitted by frankie on Sat, 2008-01-12 08:13.
Diana Mitlin
- Specialisation
- Urban poverty, housing policy particularly related to shelter finance, community managed savings and loan activities, social movements, grass-root organization, community development, non-governmental organizations, civil society.
- Country experience
- India, Kenya, Namibia, Pakistan, Philippines, South Africa, and Thailand
- Languages
- English
- Education
- 2003
- PhD, London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London. Study of relations between Northern and Southern Non-governmental Organizations in Kenya.
- 1989
- MSc Economics (distinction) Birkbeck College, University of London. Econometrics project: Real Commodity Prices and the US Exchange Rate.
- 1983
- BA (Econ), Manchester University. Joint honours in Economics and Sociology.
- 2006-
- Senior Lecturer (part-time), Institute for Development and Policy Management, University of Manchester.
- 2003-06
- Lecturer (part-time), Institute for Development and Policy Management, University of Manchester. Work includes teaching courses in NGO management, and urban poverty and livelihoods. Research on urban poverty for two IDPM based Research Centres on chronic poverty, and competition and regulation.
- 1994-
- Senior Research Associate (now part-time), Human Settlements Programme, International Institute for Environment and Development. Current work: documentation, policy analysis and research into urban development in the South; liaison with Southern researchers; consultancies with donor agencies (bilateral, multilateral and NGOs); manager and advisor of applied research programmes; presentations and seminars as required; assistance with organizational development issues at IIED. Responsible for IIED support to Shack/Slum Dwellers International; a multi-faceted learning and grant programme for a Southern based network of people’s movements and support NGOs with a total income of £0.5 million a year in each of the last three years.
- 1993-95
- Lecturer (part-time), Development Planning Unit (DPU), University College London. Responsible for teaching ‘Economic Methods’ on the MSc in The Economics of Urbanisation and Managing the City Economy.
- Part time Research Officer, Centre for Voluntary Organization, Department of Social Policy and Administration, London School of Economics. Responsible for establishing a new Masters course in NGO Management: duties included research of needs with European NGOs; development of the curriculum within the LSE and the University of London; negotiations with associated course staff at LSE; and preliminary work on a course content and associated material.
- 1989-94
- Research Associate, Human Settlements Programme, International Institute for Environment and Development. For details of work, please see my continuing employment at IIED.
- 1986?88
- Senior Economic Assistant, Monopolies and Mergers Commission, London. Included various inquiries considering economic aspects of market concentration and associated public interest issues: formulating, drafting and analysing questionnaires to companies and third parties; collecting other relevant information; liaison with other professional staff at the MMC; preparing briefs for Commissioners and support as required at Commission meetings; analysing market information.
- 1983?86
- Economic Assistant/Senior Economic Assistant, Forestry Commission, Edinburgh: working in the Planning and Economics Division. Investment appraisal; writing/assisting on major investment proposals; undertaking cost benefit studies of new projects; econometric studies of price size relationship for UK timber and demand for wood and wood products; assessing the relevance of environmental economics for project appraisal; and forestry related investment with regional policy.
- 1999-2000
- Secondment to People’s Dialogue on Land and Shelter/Consultant to the Utshani Fund (South Africa). Providing: financial analysis and planning; social and community development; documentation support; organizational development for Dialogue on Shelter for the Homeless (Zimbabwe).
- 2007
- Preparation of background paper for the Rockefeller Urban Summit (Bellagio July 2007). Preparation of the meeting sessions and facilitation with the Centre for Urban Development, Columbia University.
- 2002-05
- Social development advisor to the research project “Better access to water in informal urban settlements through support to water providing enterprises”, WEDC, Loughborough University.
- 2004-05
- UN-Habitat: assistance with preparation of the Global Report on Human Settlements 2005 (shelter finance).
- 2002 & 03
- Co-director of the short course on NGO Management, Institute for Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester.
- 2002
- Advisor to the Namibia Housing Action Group to prepare a contribution to the National Consultative Workshop in Namibia for the Review of National Housing Policy: 18-19 September 2002.
- 2001-06
- Advisor to “Understanding Urban Livelihoods”, a research project on NGO urban development strategies coordinated by ITDG.
- 2001
- Team leader of the Output Review Team for DFID’s “Social Mitigation in Mining Regions” (Romania) project.
- 1998
- German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development - BMZE study “Sustainability through people's participation in urban development in selected Asian cities” (case study in Thailand with Somsook Boonyabancha).
- 1996-2000
- Advisor to INTRAC research project, NGO responses to Urban Poverty.
- 1995-96
- Coordinator of “Review of ESCOR-funded research on NGO capacity and effectiveness” for the Overseas Development Agency (ODA).
- Project leader and advisor to the European Commission on financial support for environmental improvements in low-income urban settlements in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific.
- 1994-95
- Project leader for the ODA Consultancy, “Local Initiatives Facility for Urban Environments” with case studies in Brazil, India, Pakistan and Tanzania.