Geoffrey Payne - publications
Submitted by frankie on Sun, 2020-06-14 16:44.
Geoffrey Payne
- 2019
- The Living City: Towards a Sustainable Future, (with David Cadman) Routledge 1990, being reissued 2019.
- 2004
- The Urban Housing Manual: Making Regulatory Frameworks Work for the Poor, (with Michael Majale) Earthscan, London.
- 2002
- Land, Rights and Innovation: Improving tenure security for the urban poor, Intermediate Technology Publications, London.
- 2000
- Urban Projects Manual, (Joint Editor), Liverpool University Press 1983. British contribution to International Year of the Homeless. Second edition.
- 1999
- Making Common Ground: Public/private partnerships in land for housing, (editor) Intermediate Technology Publications (for DFID) London.
- 1997
- Urban Land Tenure and Property Rights in Developing Countries: A Review, ODA/Intermediate Technology Publications, London.
- 1989
- Informal Housing and Land Subdivisions in Third World Cities: a Review of the Literature, CENDEP, Oxford Polytechnic.
- 1987
- Urban Projects Manual, (Joint Editor), Liverpool University Press. British contribution to International Year of Shelter for the Homeless 1987.
- 1984
- Low Income Housing in the Developing World: The Role of Sites and Services and Settlement Upgrading, (Editor), John Wiley.
- 1977
- Urban Housing in the Third World, Leonard Hill and Routledge Kegan Paul.
- .
- 2014
- Policy and Politics in urban land market management: lessons from experience, in Bredenoord, Jan; van Lindert, Paul and Smets, Peer (editors) Affordable Housing in the Urban Global South, Earthscan from Routledge.
- 2013
- A sustainable regulatory framework for affordable provision of public rental housing in China, Chang, Y. Payne, G. and Brhane, M. The 10th China Urban Housing Conference, Shanghai, China, July.
- 2011
- Land Issues in the Rwanda’s Post Conflict Law Reform, Chapter 2 in Home, Robert (editor) Local Case Studies in African Land Law, Pretoria University Law Press.
- 2009
- Social and Economic Impacts of Land Titling Programs in Urban and Peri-Urban Areas: A Short Review of the Literature, (with Durand-Lasserve, Alain and Rakodi, Carole in Lall, Somik, Freire, Mila, Yuen, Belinda, Rajack, Robin and Helluin, Jean-Jacques (editors) Urban Land Markets: Improving Land Management for Successful Urbanization, Springer, New York.
- 2008
- Beware of sub-prime housing policies in developing countries, The Third World poor could be the ultimate victims of the home-loans crisis. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Urban Design and Planning 161, September 2008 Issue DP3 – Pages 93-95.
- Owning up: What Price Home Ownership? Housing Finance International, December 12-18.
- 2006
- A journey through space: Cultural diversity in urban planning, Chapter 9 in Asquith, Lindsay and Vellinga, Marcel (editors) Vernacular Architecture in the Twenty-First Century: Theory, education and practice. Taylor and Francis.
- 2005
- Getting ahead of the game: A twin-track approach to improving existing slums and reducing the need for future slums, Environment and Urbanization’ Vol 17 No 1, April.
- 2004
- Between Command and Market Economies: The Changing Roles of Public and Private Housing Sectors in Transitional Economies, in Zetter, Roger and Hamza, Mohammed (Editors) Market Economy and Urban Change: Impacts in the Developing World. Earthscan, London.
- 2004
- Tenure and shelter in urban livelihoods, in Rakodi, C and Loyd-Jones, T (eds) Urban Livelihoods: A people-centred approach to reducing poverty. Earthscan, pp151-164.
- 2002
- Secure Tenure for the Urban Poor, (with A. Durand-Lasserve, E. Fernandes and M. Smolka), CIVIS, No.3, September.
- Public-private partnerships in urban land development, in S. Romaya and C. Rakodi (Editors) Building Sustainable Urban Settlements: Approaches and Case Studies in the Developing World ITDG Publishing, London.
- Lowering the ladder: regulatory frameworks for sustainable development, in Westendorff, D. and Eade, D. (Editors) Development and Cities. A Development in Practice Reader Oxfam.
- Secure Tenure and Cities without Slums, TRIALOG 74, No.3
- 2001
- Urban land tenure policy options: Titles or rights? Habitat International Vol 25, pp415-429.
- Legality and Legitimacy in urban Tenure Issues, (with E. Fernandes), Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Working Paper, Cambridge Massachusetts, USA.
- Settling for More: Innovative Approaches to Tenure for the Urban Poor, Chapter VII in UN-Habitat and UNESCAP, Seminar on Securing Land for the Urban Poor. Fukuoka, Japan, 02-04.
- Lowering the ladder: regulatory frameworks for sustainable development, Development in Practice, Vol.11, No.2&3, pp308-318.
- 1994
- The provision of basic services in Pakistan, Turkey and Egypt, in Mohanty, B (Ed) Urbanisation in Developing Countries: Basic Services and Community Participation. Institute of Social Sciences and Concept Publishing, New Delhi.
- 1992
- Urban design briefs and the implementation of enabling strategies: A proposal, Paper presented at international conference on Policies and housing systems for low-income communities, Cairo, Feb.
- 1991
- Land tenure and urban housing: Some policy issues, Keynote paper presented at International conference on Housing for the Urban Poor, organised by the European Network for Housing Research, Istanbul Sept.
- The provision of basic services in Turkey, Pakistan and Egypt, paper presented at the international seminar on basic amenities in the context of rapid urbanization - drinking water and sanitation from a Third World perspective, organised by the Institute of Social Sciences, New Delhi, November.
- 1990
- Why Planning has made no significant impact in ensuring access to land, (Part 4 - Urban land markets: People, property developments and the public sector. What is the effect of planning on access to land pp. 63-72). Paper presented at the Habitat Seminar, Overseas Development Administration, London, October, 1991. Published in Meikle, S., and Safier, M. `Cities and People: Can We Plan the Future?' DPU Working Paper No. 57 DPU.
- 1989
- Urban Housing Policy Issues: Lessons from International Experience, Paper presented at Rio de Janeiro, December.
- 1985
- Ismailia Revisited: A Personal View of Hai el Salam and Abu Atwa Projects. Open House, Vol 10, No. 3.
- 1984
- Turkey (with Rusen Keles), in Wynn, M (ed) Planning and Urban Growth in Southern Europe. Mansell.
- The Expanding Literature on Expanding Cities, Built Environment, Vol 10, No. 1.
- 1983
- Housing Agents in the Towns of Papua New Guinea, Built Environment, No. 8.
- 1981
- The Gecekondus of Ankara, chapter in 'Self-Help Housing: A Critique', edited by Peter Ward, Alexandrine Press.
- 1980
- At home in Ankara' and 'The Miri Longhouse of Assam, Process Architecture, May
- 1976
- International Agencies and Third World Development, Architectural Design, Vol XLVI October, pp 601-603.
- 1973/4
- Functions of Informality: Squatter Settlements in Delhi, Architectural Design, August 1973, reprinted in Ekistics, July 1974.
- 1971
- Indian Cities - Development versus Survival, Hindustan Times, August 1971.
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- 2019
- Land-based finance for affordable housing, with Daniela Muňoz-Levy for UN-Habitat, Nairobi, Kenya, December.
- 2015
- Legitimate Land Tenure and Property Rights: Fostering Compliance and Development Outcomes, with James Mitchell, Luke Kozumbo, Clive English and Richard Baldwin, Rapid Evidence Assessment, DFID, August.
- 2014
- Land Tenure in Urban Environments, USAID Issue Brief, with Piaskowy, Anthony and Kuritz, Lauren: March.
- 2012
- HOLDING ON - Security of Tenure: Types, Policies, Practices and Challenges, Geoffrey Payne and Alain Durand-Lasserve, Research paper prepared for the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, October.
- 2009
- Debate and Pro-Poor Outcomes When Regularising Informal Lands: Urban and Peri-Urban Areas, Geoffrey Payne, Alain Durand-Lasserve and Carole Rakodi, UNDP Discussion Paper 9, Oslo Governance Centre, March.
- 2003
- Safe as Houses?: Securing urban land tenure and property rights, (Editor and contributor) Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, October.
- 1993
- Metropolitan Planning and Management in the Developing World: Spatial Decentralization Policy in Bombay and Cairo, Overview report for the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, Nairobi.
- Experience with the project approach to shelter delivery for the poor, prepared for the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat).
- 1991
- Urban land tenure and property rights, Paper prepared for the World Bank.
- 1988
- Training Needs Assessment for Human Settlements in India, (2 vols) Overseas Development Administration, UK.
- 1982
- Project Appraisal and Policy Recommendations for Urban Settlements Provision, submitted to Department of Urban Development, Government of Papua New Guinea.
- 1977
- Ankara: Housing and Planning in an Expanding City, Research report prepared for the Social Science Research Council (three volumes) mimeo.
- 1973
- Squatter Housing and Urban Growth in India, Report prepared for the SSRC.
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