Geoffrey Payne - publications


The Living City: Towards a Sustainable Future, (with David Cadman) Routledge 1990, being reissued 2019.

The Urban Housing Manual: Making Regulatory Frameworks Work for the Poor, (with Michael Majale) Earthscan, London.

Land, Rights and Innovation: Improving tenure security for the urban poor, Intermediate Technology Publications, London.

Urban Projects Manual, (Joint Editor), Liverpool University Press 1983. British contribution to International Year of the Homeless. Second edition.

Making Common Ground: Public/private partnerships in land for housing, (editor) Intermediate Technology Publications (for DFID) London.

Urban Land Tenure and Property Rights in Developing Countries: A Review, ODA/Intermediate Technology Publications, London.

Informal Housing and Land Subdivisions in Third World Cities: a Review of the Literature, CENDEP, Oxford Polytechnic.

Urban Projects Manual, (Joint Editor), Liverpool University Press. British contribution to International Year of Shelter for the Homeless 1987.

Low Income Housing in the Developing World: The Role of Sites and Services and Settlement Upgrading, (Editor), John Wiley.

Urban Housing in the Third World, Leonard Hill and Routledge Kegan Paul.



Policy and Politics in urban land market management: lessons from experience, in Bredenoord, Jan; van Lindert, Paul and Smets, Peer (editors) Affordable Housing in the Urban Global South, Earthscan from Routledge.

A sustainable regulatory framework for affordable provision of public rental housing in China, Chang, Y. Payne, G. and Brhane, M. The 10th China Urban Housing Conference, Shanghai, China, July.

Land Issues in the Rwanda’s Post Conflict Law Reform, Chapter 2 in Home, Robert (editor) Local Case Studies in African Land Law, Pretoria University Law Press.

Social and Economic Impacts of Land Titling Programs in Urban and Peri-Urban Areas: A Short Review of the Literature, (with Durand-Lasserve, Alain and Rakodi, Carole in Lall, Somik, Freire, Mila, Yuen, Belinda, Rajack, Robin and Helluin, Jean-Jacques (editors) Urban Land Markets: Improving Land Management for Successful Urbanization, Springer, New York.

Beware of sub-prime housing policies in developing countries, The Third World poor could be the ultimate victims of the home-loans crisis. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Urban Design and Planning 161, September 2008 Issue DP3 – Pages 93-95.

Owning up: What Price Home Ownership? Housing Finance International, December 12-18.

A journey through space: Cultural diversity in urban planning, Chapter 9 in Asquith, Lindsay and Vellinga, Marcel (editors) Vernacular Architecture in the Twenty-First Century: Theory, education and practice. Taylor and Francis.

Getting ahead of the game: A twin-track approach to improving existing slums and reducing the need for future slums, Environment and Urbanization’ Vol 17 No 1, April.

Between Command and Market Economies: The Changing Roles of Public and Private Housing Sectors in Transitional Economies, in Zetter, Roger and Hamza, Mohammed (Editors) Market Economy and Urban Change: Impacts in the Developing World. Earthscan, London.

Tenure and shelter in urban livelihoods, in Rakodi, C and Loyd-Jones, T (eds) Urban Livelihoods: A people-centred approach to reducing poverty. Earthscan, pp151-164.

Secure Tenure for the Urban Poor, (with A. Durand-Lasserve, E. Fernandes and M. Smolka), CIVIS, No.3, September.

Public-private partnerships in urban land development, in S. Romaya and C. Rakodi (Editors) Building Sustainable Urban Settlements: Approaches and Case Studies in the Developing World ITDG Publishing, London.

Lowering the ladder: regulatory frameworks for sustainable development, in Westendorff, D. and Eade, D. (Editors) Development and Cities. A Development in Practice Reader Oxfam.

Secure Tenure and Cities without Slums, TRIALOG 74, No.3

Urban land tenure policy options: Titles or rights? Habitat International Vol 25, pp415-429.

Legality and Legitimacy in urban Tenure Issues, (with E. Fernandes), Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Working Paper, Cambridge Massachusetts, USA.

Settling for More: Innovative Approaches to Tenure for the Urban Poor, Chapter VII in UN-Habitat and UNESCAP, Seminar on Securing Land for the Urban Poor. Fukuoka, Japan, 02-04.

Lowering the ladder: regulatory frameworks for sustainable development, Development in Practice, Vol.11, No.2&3, pp308-318.

The provision of basic services in Pakistan, Turkey and Egypt, in Mohanty, B (Ed) Urbanisation in Developing Countries: Basic Services and Community Participation. Institute of Social Sciences and Concept Publishing, New Delhi.

Urban design briefs and the implementation of enabling strategies: A proposal, Paper presented at international conference on Policies and housing systems for low-income communities, Cairo, Feb.

Land tenure and urban housing: Some policy issues, Keynote paper presented at International conference on Housing for the Urban Poor, organised by the European Network for Housing Research, Istanbul Sept.

The provision of basic services in Turkey, Pakistan and Egypt, paper presented at the international seminar on basic amenities in the context of rapid urbanization - drinking water and sanitation from a Third World perspective, organised by the Institute of Social Sciences, New Delhi, November.

Why Planning has made no significant impact in ensuring access to land, (Part 4 - Urban land markets: People, property developments and the public sector. What is the effect of planning on access to land pp. 63-72). Paper presented at the Habitat Seminar, Overseas Development Administration, London, October, 1991. Published in Meikle, S., and Safier, M. `Cities and People: Can We Plan the Future?' DPU Working Paper No. 57 DPU.

Urban Housing Policy Issues: Lessons from International Experience, Paper presented at Rio de Janeiro, December.

Ismailia Revisited: A Personal View of Hai el Salam and Abu Atwa Projects. Open House, Vol 10, No. 3.

Turkey (with Rusen Keles), in Wynn, M (ed) Planning and Urban Growth in Southern Europe. Mansell.

The Expanding Literature on Expanding Cities, Built Environment, Vol 10, No. 1.

Housing Agents in the Towns of Papua New Guinea, Built Environment, No. 8.

The Gecekondus of Ankara, chapter in 'Self-Help Housing: A Critique', edited by Peter Ward, Alexandrine Press.

At home in Ankara' and 'The Miri Longhouse of Assam, Process Architecture, May

International Agencies and Third World Development, Architectural Design, Vol XLVI October, pp 601-603.

Functions of Informality: Squatter Settlements in Delhi, Architectural Design, August 1973, reprinted in Ekistics, July 1974.

Indian Cities - Development versus Survival, Hindustan Times, August 1971.

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Land-based finance for affordable housing, with Daniela Muňoz-Levy for UN-Habitat, Nairobi, Kenya, December.

Legitimate Land Tenure and Property Rights: Fostering Compliance and Development Outcomes, with James Mitchell, Luke Kozumbo, Clive English and Richard Baldwin, Rapid Evidence Assessment, DFID, August.

Land Tenure in Urban Environments, USAID Issue Brief, with Piaskowy, Anthony and Kuritz, Lauren: March.

HOLDING ON - Security of Tenure: Types, Policies, Practices and Challenges, Geoffrey Payne and Alain Durand-Lasserve, Research paper prepared for the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, October.

Debate and Pro-Poor Outcomes When Regularising Informal Lands: Urban and Peri-Urban Areas, Geoffrey Payne, Alain Durand-Lasserve and Carole Rakodi, UNDP Discussion Paper 9, Oslo Governance Centre, March.

Safe as Houses?: Securing urban land tenure and property rights, (Editor and contributor) Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, October.

Metropolitan Planning and Management in the Developing World: Spatial Decentralization Policy in Bombay and Cairo, Overview report for the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, Nairobi.

Experience with the project approach to shelter delivery for the poor, prepared for the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat).

Urban land tenure and property rights, Paper prepared for the World Bank.

Training Needs Assessment for Human Settlements in India, (2 vols) Overseas Development Administration, UK.

Project Appraisal and Policy Recommendations for Urban Settlements Provision, submitted to Department of Urban Development, Government of Papua New Guinea.

Ankara: Housing and Planning in an Expanding City, Research report prepared for the Social Science Research Council (three volumes) mimeo.

Squatter Housing and Urban Growth in India, Report prepared for the SSRC.

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