Patrick WAKELY
Patrick Wakely is an independent consultant and Professor Emeritus of Urban Development in the University of London. He was a full-time member of the academic staff of the Development Planning Unit (DPU), University College London (UCL)for 28 years and its director for 14 years (1989-2003).
He has held full-time teaching and training appointments in Asia, Africa and Latin America and has undertaken policy advice consultancy, research and training and project and programme evaluation in some 20 developing countries.
His recent academic and applied research has led to the publication of two significant books: ‘Communities and Communication: Building Urban Partnerships’ with Elizabeth Riley (ITDG Publishing, 2005) and ‘Housing in Developing Cities’ (Routledge/Taylor&Francis, 2018) with a Spanish language edition: ‘Vivienda en el Desarrollo Urbano’ (Editorial UTadeo, 2022). He also coordinated the research, writing and editing of the UN Global Report on Human Settlements 2003: ‘The Challenge of Slums’ (Earthscan, 2002).