Adrian Atkinson - publications


Asian urbanisation: the final dash seen through the case of Ho Chi Minh City. City, Vol.19, No. 6, 857–874, Routledge, London, UK

Nexus: New approaches to resourcing cities. DPU60 Working Paper Series: Reflections No.166/60. Development Planning Unit, London

Readjusting to reality 2: Transition? City, Vol.17, No.5, pp.580-605

Readjusting to reality: Urban and peri-urban agriculture to ease the downward passage. City. Vol.17, No.1, pp.85-96

Environnement urbain et développement : le cas de l’Asie Sud-Est. in Lieberherr-Gardiol, F. and Solinis, G. (Eds) Quelles villes pour le 21e siécle? Infolio, Gollion, Switzerland. pp.264-310

Urban Social Reconstruction after Oil. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development Vol 4, No.1, pp.94-110
ILO-BEL (Built Environment & Labour): Formulating Projects and Studies Concerning Labour Issues in Greening the Sectors of the Built Environment – Guidance Manual. International Labour Organisation, Geneva
Environnement urbain et développement : le cas de l’Asie Sud-Est. in Lieberherr-Gardiol, F. and Solinis, G. (Eds) Quelles villes pour le 21e siécle? Infolio, Gollion, Switzerland. pp.264-310
Raumplanung in internationalen Kontext in Henckel, d., von Kuczkowski, K., Lau, P., Pahl-Weber, E. and Stellmacher, F (Hrsg.) Planen-Bauen-Umwelt: Ein Handbuch. VS Verlag, Wiesbaden. pp.395-400
Where do we stand? Progress in acknowledging and confronting climate change and 'peak oil'. City, Vol.14, No.3
Climate change policy, energy and cities. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, Vol.1, Nos.1–2, May–November 2009, pp.133–139
Cities after Oil – 3: Collapse and the fate of Cities. City, Vol.12, No.1, pp.79-106
A Perspective on the Governance of Urban Renewal in: Atkinson, A., Chabou, M. and Karsch, D. (Eds.) Stratégies pour un Dévéloppement Durable Local, Institut für Stadt- und Regionalplanung, Technische Universität Berlin. pp.21-26
Grassroots Action to Address Emerging Sustainability Threats to Cities in the South. NAERUS Annual Conference, 6th-8th September, Development Planning Unit, London
Renewed Efforts to Plan for Sustainable Development in: Atkinson, A. and Greatz, M. (Eds) Renewed Efforts to Plan for Sustainable Development: Proceedings: International Conference and Summer School 2006, Institut für Stadt- und Regionalplanung, Technische Universtät Berlin, Berlin. pp17-24
Cities after Oil - 1: ‘Sustainable Development’ and Energy Futures. City, Vol.11, No.2, pp.201-213.
Cities after Oil – 2: Background to the Collapse of 'Modern' Civilisation. City, Vol.11, No.3, pp.291-310
(joint author with Jian Xie) Principles and Practice of Ecologically Sensitive Urban Planning and Design: An Application to the City of Hai Phong, Vietnam. The World Bank, Washington DC.
Urban Development: Reviving and Activating Utopian Strategies. City, Vol.9, no.3, pp.279-296.
Human Development in Cities of Southeast Asia. Westendorff, D. (Ed) From Unsustainable to Inclusive Cities. UNRISD, Geneva.
Social Action to Build Equitable and Sustainable Settlements. Paper presented to the NAERUS Annual Conference Urban Governance, Diversity and Social Action in Cities of the South. Barcelona, 15th-16th September.
Appropriate Technologies in a Globalizing World? Paper presented to the conference Scientific Cooperation Balancing Social Demands with Technological Challenges North-South Sustainable Development – What is at Stake? École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 12th – 15th February.
Urbanisation in a Neo-Liberal World – Exploring Escape Routes. City, Vol.8, No.1, pp.90-108.
Sustainable Urbanisation: Bridging the Green and Brown Agendas. (Joint Author). Development Planning Unit, University College London in association with UN-Habitat and DFID, London.
The Juggernaut and Peri-Urbanisation. Keynote paper presented to conference Rural-Urban Encounters: Managing the Environment of the Peri-Urban Interface. Development Planning Unit, University College London, 9-10 November.
International cooperation in pursuit of sustainable cities. Development in Practice, Vol.1, Nos.2&3, pp.273-291. Republished in: Westendorff, D. and Eade, D. (Eds)(2002) Development and Cities. Oxfam in association with UNRISD, Oxford, pp.177-203.
Surabaya, Indonesia: Local Agenda 21 in the Context of Radical Political Reform. City, Vol.5, No.3, pp75-94.
Local Employment in the Informal Economy: Course guide for staff in local government and partnership organisations. Boosting employment through small enterprise development (SEED), International Labour Office, Geneva.
Promoting Sustainable Human Development in Cities of the South: A Southeast Asian Perspective. Geneva 2000 Occasional Paper No.6, UNRISD, Geneva.
Taming the Automobile to Make Way for Public Space: The Case of Switzerland. Journal of the Institute for Culture and Tourism, Bogotá Municipality, Bogotá.
Principles and Components of a Strategic Environmental Planning and Management Process Relevant to the Peri-Urban Interface. Department for International Development Research Programme on the Peri-Urban Interface, Development Planning Unit, University College London.
Cities and Desertification: From Definition to Action. Conference Paper: Second Mayor’s Conference on Cities and Desertification, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, Bonn. (June).
The Challenge of Environmental Management in Urban Areas. (Joint editor with Julio Davila, Edicio Fernandes and Michael Mattingly). Ashgate, London.
Sustainability Through People’s Participation in Urban Development in Selected Asian Cities: The Indonesian Experience. (Joint author and editor). (For the German Federal Ministry of Development Cooperation) Büro für Umweltplanung und Stadtentwicklung (BUS), Dresden.
The Urban Environment in Development Cooperation. (Joint author with Adriana Allen). Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.
Watershed Management in Thailand: Concepts, Problems and Implementation. (Joint author with Nawarat Krairapanond). Regulated Rivers, Vol.14, pp.485-498.
Developments in Urban Environmental Planning and Management in Indonesia: The Secondary Cities of Sulawesi. DPU Working Paper No.86, Development Planning Unit, University College London.
Re-making the Regional Economy: Celebrating Achievement. Shaping New Policies for the South East. (Joint editor with Ines Newman and Mike Geddes). South East Economic Development Strategy Association, Harlow, UK.
Taking Sides: Anthropology, Environmentalism and the Academy. Environmental Politics, Vol.6, No.3.
Informationalism and Sustainability. City, No 7.
Sustainable Cities: Dilemmas and Options. City, No.3-4.
A Systematic Approach to Urban Environmental Planning and Management: Project Report from Thailand. (Joint author with Chamniern Paul Vorratnchaiphan). Environment and Urbanization, Vol.8, No.1 (April).
Building Public Participation into the Political Decision-Making Process: A Report to the National Economic and Social Development Board. (Joint author and editor). Thailand Environment Institute, Bangkok.
From Red to Green. City, No.1-2.
Urban Environmental Management in Thailand. TRIALOG, No 45.
The Role of Cities in a Sustainable World Regenerating Cities, No.7.
Urban Environmental Management in a Changing Development Context: The Case of Thailand. (Joint author with Chamniern Paul Vorratnchaiphan). Third World Planning Review, Vol.16, No.2, (May)(Guest Editor of whole issue).
Urban Environmental Management Guidelines - Thailand German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in cooperation with the Office for Urban Development, Bangkok.
Are Third World Megacities Sustainable? Jabotabek as an Example. Journal of International Development, Vol.4, No.2 (November).
Resources for a Sustainable London. Regenerating Cities, Nos.3/4.
Manual for Urban Environmental Management. German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), Eschborn. (March).
The Urban Bioregion as ‘Sustainable Development’ Paradigm. Third World Planning Review, Vol.14, No.4, (November).
Developing Green Political Theory. Wolfgang Rüdig (Ed) Green Politics Two, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
Green Plan for the South East . (Joint author with Michael Jacobs). South East Development Strategy Association (SEEDS), Stevenage, UK.
Urban Environmental Guidelines for Nepal. Urban Development through Local Efforts Project (GTZ), Kathmandu (March).
Development Redefined Third World Planning Review, Vol.13, No.4, (November).
Environment and Development: Concepts and Practices in Transition. Public Administration and Development, Vol.4, No.11, pp.401-413 (August)(Guest Editor of whole issue).
Principles of Political Ecology Belhaven, London.
Sowing the Seeds of a Green Plan. Town and Country Planning, Vol.59, No.5, (May).
The Environmental Impact of Fusion Power. Energy Policy, Vol.17, No.3, (June).
Local Energy. Conference Paper: Radical Planning Initiatives - What Future? Polytechnic of Central London. (January).
Local Energy Planning in the UK: Past Experience and New Initiatives. Innovation for Energy Efficiency, Ed. David Reay, Pergamon, Oxford.
Visions of Nowhere. New Ground, No.2, (Spring).
Heat Networks and Energy Policy. World Economy in Crisis: Rethinking International Perspectives, CSE Conference Papers, Sheffield.
Social Benefits of Combined Heat and Power. Undercurrents, London, No.57, (December).
Supplement on Combined Heat and Power. Local Socialism, London, No.9, (September).
Hillside Housing in Hong Kong. Asian Architect, Vol.2, No.3, (March).
Bernese Middleland Farmhouses. Shelter and Society. Ed. Paul Oliver, Barrie and Rockliff, London.

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