- 2015
- 2014
- Nexus: New approaches to resourcing cities. DPU60 Working Paper Series: Reflections No.166/60. Development Planning Unit, London
- 2013
- Readjusting to reality 2: Transition? City, Vol.17, No.5, pp.580-605
- 2013
- Readjusting to reality: Urban and peri-urban agriculture to ease the downward passage. City. Vol.17, No.1, pp.85-96
- 2012
- Environnement urbain et développement : le cas de l’Asie Sud-Est. in Lieberherr-Gardiol, F. and Solinis, G. (Eds) Quelles villes pour le 21e siécle? Infolio, Gollion, Switzerland. pp.264-310
- 2012
- Urban Social Reconstruction after Oil. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development Vol 4, No.1, pp.94-110
- ILO-BEL (Built Environment & Labour): Formulating Projects and Studies Concerning Labour Issues in Greening the Sectors of the Built Environment – Guidance Manual. International Labour Organisation, Geneva
- Environnement urbain et développement : le cas de l’Asie Sud-Est. in Lieberherr-Gardiol, F. and Solinis, G. (Eds) Quelles villes pour le 21e siécle? Infolio, Gollion, Switzerland. pp.264-310
- 2010
- Raumplanung in internationalen Kontext in Henckel, d., von Kuczkowski, K., Lau, P., Pahl-Weber, E. and Stellmacher, F (Hrsg.) Planen-Bauen-Umwelt: Ein Handbuch. VS Verlag, Wiesbaden. pp.395-400
- Where do we stand? Progress in acknowledging and confronting climate change and 'peak oil'. City, Vol.14, No.3
- 2009
- Climate change policy, energy and cities. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, Vol.1, Nos.1–2, May–November 2009, pp.133–139
- 2008
- Cities after Oil – 3: Collapse and the fate of Cities. City, Vol.12, No.1, pp.79-106
- A Perspective on the Governance of Urban Renewal in: Atkinson, A., Chabou, M. and Karsch, D. (Eds.) Stratégies pour un Dévéloppement Durable Local, Institut für Stadt- und Regionalplanung, Technische Universität Berlin. pp.21-26
- 2007
- Grassroots Action to Address Emerging Sustainability Threats to Cities in the South. NAERUS Annual Conference, 6th-8th September, Development Planning Unit, London
- Renewed Efforts to Plan for Sustainable Development in: Atkinson, A. and Greatz, M. (Eds) Renewed Efforts to Plan for Sustainable Development: Proceedings: International Conference and Summer School 2006, Institut für Stadt- und Regionalplanung, Technische Universtät Berlin, Berlin. pp17-24
- Cities after Oil - 1: ‘Sustainable Development’ and Energy Futures. City, Vol.11, No.2, pp.201-213.
- Cities after Oil – 2: Background to the Collapse of 'Modern' Civilisation. City, Vol.11, No.3, pp.291-310
- (joint author with Jian Xie) Principles and Practice of Ecologically Sensitive Urban Planning and Design: An Application to the City of Hai Phong, Vietnam. The World Bank, Washington DC.
- 2005
- Urban Development: Reviving and Activating Utopian Strategies. City, Vol.9, no.3, pp.279-296.
- 2004
- Human Development in Cities of Southeast Asia. Westendorff, D. (Ed) From Unsustainable to Inclusive Cities. UNRISD, Geneva.
- Social Action to Build Equitable and Sustainable Settlements. Paper presented to the NAERUS Annual Conference Urban Governance, Diversity and Social Action in Cities of the South. Barcelona, 15th-16th September.
- Appropriate Technologies in a Globalizing World? Paper presented to the conference Scientific Cooperation Balancing Social Demands with Technological Challenges North-South Sustainable Development – What is at Stake? École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 12th – 15th February.
- Urbanisation in a Neo-Liberal World – Exploring Escape Routes. City, Vol.8, No.1, pp.90-108.
- 2002
- Sustainable Urbanisation: Bridging the Green and Brown Agendas. (Joint Author). Development Planning Unit, University College London in association with UN-Habitat and DFID, London.
- 2001
- The Juggernaut and Peri-Urbanisation. Keynote paper presented to conference Rural-Urban Encounters: Managing the Environment of the Peri-Urban Interface. Development Planning Unit, University College London, 9-10 November.
- International cooperation in pursuit of sustainable cities. Development in Practice, Vol.1, Nos.2&3, pp.273-291. Republished in: Westendorff, D. and Eade, D. (Eds)(2002) Development and Cities. Oxfam in association with UNRISD, Oxford, pp.177-203.
- Surabaya, Indonesia: Local Agenda 21 in the Context of Radical Political Reform. City, Vol.5, No.3, pp75-94.
- Local Employment in the Informal Economy: Course guide for staff in local government and partnership organisations. Boosting employment through small enterprise development (SEED), International Labour Office, Geneva.
- 2000
- Promoting Sustainable Human Development in Cities of the South: A Southeast Asian Perspective. Geneva 2000 Occasional Paper No.6, UNRISD, Geneva.
- 1999
- Taming the Automobile to Make Way for Public Space: The Case of Switzerland. Journal of the Institute for Culture and Tourism, Bogotá Municipality, Bogotá.
- Principles and Components of a Strategic Environmental Planning and Management Process Relevant to the Peri-Urban Interface. Department for International Development Research Programme on the Peri-Urban Interface, Development Planning Unit, University College London.
- Cities and Desertification: From Definition to Action. Conference Paper: Second Mayor’s Conference on Cities and Desertification, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, Bonn. (June).
- The Challenge of Environmental Management in Urban Areas. (Joint editor with Julio Davila, Edicio Fernandes and Michael Mattingly). Ashgate, London.
- 1998
- Sustainability Through People’s Participation in Urban Development in Selected Asian Cities: The Indonesian Experience. (Joint author and editor). (For the German Federal Ministry of Development Cooperation) Büro für Umweltplanung und Stadtentwicklung (BUS), Dresden.
- The Urban Environment in Development Cooperation. (Joint author with Adriana Allen). Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.
- Watershed Management in Thailand: Concepts, Problems and Implementation. (Joint author with Nawarat Krairapanond). Regulated Rivers, Vol.14, pp.485-498.
- Developments in Urban Environmental Planning and Management in Indonesia: The Secondary Cities of Sulawesi. DPU Working Paper No.86, Development Planning Unit, University College London.
- 1997
- Re-making the Regional Economy: Celebrating Achievement. Shaping New Policies for the South East. (Joint editor with Ines Newman and Mike Geddes). South East Economic Development Strategy Association, Harlow, UK.
- Taking Sides: Anthropology, Environmentalism and the Academy. Environmental Politics, Vol.6, No.3.
- Informationalism and Sustainability. City, No 7.
- 1996
- Sustainable Cities: Dilemmas and Options. City, No.3-4.
- A Systematic Approach to Urban Environmental Planning and Management: Project Report from Thailand. (Joint author with Chamniern Paul Vorratnchaiphan). Environment and Urbanization, Vol.8, No.1 (April).
- Building Public Participation into the Political Decision-Making Process: A Report to the National Economic and Social Development Board. (Joint author and editor). Thailand Environment Institute, Bangkok.
- 1995
- From Red to Green. City, No.1-2.
- Urban Environmental Management in Thailand. TRIALOG, No 45.
- 1994
- The Role of Cities in a Sustainable World Regenerating Cities, No.7.
- Urban Environmental Management in a Changing Development Context: The Case of Thailand. (Joint author with Chamniern Paul Vorratnchaiphan). Third World Planning Review, Vol.16, No.2, (May)(Guest Editor of whole issue).
- Urban Environmental Management Guidelines - Thailand German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in cooperation with the Office for Urban Development, Bangkok.
- 1993
- Are Third World Megacities Sustainable? Jabotabek as an Example. Journal of International Development, Vol.4, No.2 (November).
- Resources for a Sustainable London. Regenerating Cities, Nos.3/4.
- Manual for Urban Environmental Management. German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), Eschborn. (March).
- 1992
- The Urban Bioregion as ‘Sustainable Development’ Paradigm. Third World Planning Review, Vol.14, No.4, (November).
- Developing Green Political Theory. Wolfgang Rüdig (Ed) Green Politics Two, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
- Green Plan for the South East . (Joint author with Michael Jacobs). South East Development Strategy Association (SEEDS), Stevenage, UK.
- Urban Environmental Guidelines for Nepal. Urban Development through Local Efforts Project (GTZ), Kathmandu (March).
- 1991
- Development Redefined Third World Planning Review, Vol.13, No.4, (November).
- Environment and Development: Concepts and Practices in Transition. Public Administration and Development, Vol.4, No.11, pp.401-413 (August)(Guest Editor of whole issue).
- Principles of Political Ecology Belhaven, London.
- 1990
- Sowing the Seeds of a Green Plan. Town and Country Planning, Vol.59, No.5, (May).
- 1989
- The Environmental Impact of Fusion Power. Energy Policy, Vol.17, No.3, (June).
- 1988
- Local Energy. Conference Paper: Radical Planning Initiatives - What Future? Polytechnic of Central London. (January).
- 1987
- Local Energy Planning in the UK: Past Experience and New Initiatives. Innovation for Energy Efficiency, Ed. David Reay, Pergamon, Oxford.
- 1984
- Visions of Nowhere. New Ground, No.2, (Spring).
- 1983
- Heat Networks and Energy Policy. World Economy in Crisis: Rethinking International Perspectives, CSE Conference Papers, Sheffield.
- 1982
- Social Benefits of Combined Heat and Power. Undercurrents, London, No.57, (December).
- 1981
- Supplement on Combined Heat and Power. Local Socialism, London, No.9, (September).
- 1973
- Hillside Housing in Hong Kong. Asian Architect, Vol.2, No.3, (March).
- 1969
- Bernese Middleland Farmhouses. Shelter and Society. Ed. Paul Oliver, Barrie and Rockliff, London.
Asian urbanisation: the final dash seen through the case of Ho Chi Minh City. City, Vol.19, No. 6, 857–874, Routledge, London, UK