Edesio Fernandes

Patrick McAuslan MBE, 1937 – 2014: An Appreciation (Edesio Fernandes)

                      Patrick McAuslan 1937-2014

Following an inspiring life fully committed to the promotion of land reform, social justice, legal education and institutional modernisation in developing and urbanising countries, Professor Patrick McAuslan passed away on 11 January 2014, after a short illness. Through his inseparable academic and policy-making work, he left a unique legacy.

Edesio Fernandes - publications


In English

Urban Brazil: past and future, Special Issue of Geoforum Vol.32, No.4. (co-editor With Marcio Valenca), London: Elsevier
The Challenge of Environmental Management in Urban Areas (co-editor with Adrian Atkinson, Julio Davila & Michael Mattingly), Aldershot: Ashgate
Environmental Strategies for Sustainable Development in Urban Areas: Lessons from Africa and Latin America (editor), Aldershot: Ashgate
Illegal Cities - Law and Urban Change in Developing Countries (co-editor with Ann Varley), London: Zed Books
Law and Urban Change in Brazil, Aldershot: Avebury

In Portuguese

Direito Urbanistico: estudos brasileiros e internacionais (organizador com Betania de Moraes Alfonsin), Belo Horizonte: Del Rey
Brazil Urbano (organizador com Marcio Moraes Valenca), Rio de Janeiro: Maudad
Direito de Moradia e Seguranca da Posse no Estatuto da Cidade (organizador com Betania de Moraes Alfonsin) , Belo Horizonte: Forum
A Lei e a Ilegalidade na producao do espaco urbano (organizador com Betania de Moraes Alfonsin) Belo Horizonte: Del Rey
Cidade, memoria e legislacao (organizador com Jurema Rugani) , Belo Horizonte: IAB
Direito Urbanistico e Politica Urbana no Brasil, (org) Belo Horizonte: Del Rey
Direito e Governanca: tendencias da gestao urbano-ambienatal e a reforma do setor publico (org), Belo Horizonte: Escola de Governo da Fundacao Joao Pinheiro
Direito Urbanístico (org), Belo Horizonte: Del Rey

In Spanish

Ciudades Ilegales - Ley y reforma urbana en paises en desarollo (co-editor with Ann Varley), Cochabamba, Bolivia: Promesha
Memorias del "Law and Urban Change" Workshop (co-editor with Betania Alfonsin) , Caderno de Trabajo 101, Quito, Ecuador: PGU
Derecho Espacio Urbano y Medio Ambiente (ed), Madrid: Dykinson/Onati International Institute for the Sociology of Law

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Chapters in books, Articles, Book Reviews and Working Papers

In English

Constructing the ‘Right to the City’ in Brazil, in 16 Social & Legal Studies
Implementing the urban reform agenda in Brazil, in 19 Environment & Urbanization
Principles, bases and challenges of the National Programme to Support Sustainable Urban Land Regularisation in Brazil in Informal settlements: A perpetual challenge, edited by Marie Huchzermeyer and Aly Karam, Cape Town: UCT Press/Cordaid
Main aspects of the regulatory framework governing urban land development processes in Brazil in World Bank, Country Management Unit, in Brazil - Inputs for a Strategy for Cities - A Contribution with a Focus on Cities and Municipalities, Volume II: Background papers, Report No. 35749-BR
llegal Housing: Law, Property Rights and Urban Space, in Harrison, Philip, Huchzermeyer, Marie & Mayekiso, Mzwanele (eds) Confronting Fragmentation: Housing and Urban Development in a Democratising Society, Landsdowne, South Africa: UCT
Providing security of tenure for the urban poor: the Brazilian experience, in Durand-Lasserve, Alain & Royston, Lauren (orgs) Holding their Ground – Secure land tenure for the urban poor in developing countries, London: Earthscan
Combining tenure policies, urban planning and city management in Brazil, in Payne, Geoffrey (ed) Land, Rights and Innovation – Improving Tenure Security for the Urban Poor, London: ITDG
Punishing environmental crimes in Brazil, in Brazil Network Website
Legality and Legitimacy in Urban Tenure Issues (Working Paper WP01GP1) (with Geoffrey Payne), Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
The legal regularisation of favelas in Brazil: problems and prospects, in 22 Third World Planning Review
Law and the production of urban illegality: urban development in Brazil, in Faundez, Julio, Footer, Mary E. & Norton, Joseph J. (eds) Governance, Development and Globalization, London: Blackstone
The legal regularisation of favelas in Brazil, in Latin American Report (UNISA, South Africa)
The Illegal City, in Habitat Debate (UNCHS, Vol. 5, No. 3)
Redefining property rights in the age of liberalization and privatization, in Land Lines (Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, November 1999)
Policy and politics in urban environmental management, in Atkinson, Adrian, Davila, Julio, Fernandes, Edesio & Mattingly, Michael (eds) The Challenge of Environmental Management in Urban Areas, Aldershot: Ashgate
Law, the City and Citizenship in Developing Countries: an Introduction (with Ann Varley) in Fernandes, Edesio & Varley, Ann (eds) Illegal Cities - Law and Urban Change in Developing Countries, London: Zed Books
Law and Urban Change in Brazil (with Raquel Rolnik), in Fernandes, Edesio & Varley, Ann (eds) Illegal Cities - Law and Urban Change in Developing Countries, London: Zed Books
Learning from the South, in Fernandes, Edesio (ed) Environmental Strategies for Sustainable Development in Urban Areas: Lessons from Africa and Latin America (ed), Aldershot: Ashgate
Access to Urban Land and Housing in Brazil: ‘Three Degrees of Illegality’, Working Paper WP97EF1, Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Constitutional Environmental Rights in Brazil, in Anderson, M.R & Boyle, A.E. (eds) Human Rights Approaches to Environmental Protection, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Environmental Zoning: a solution for the Amazon Region? , in 5 RECIEL-Review of European Community and International Environmental Law
Participatory Budget a new experience of democratic administration in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, in 11 Report
Illegal Cities: Land Tenure and Urban Rights in Latin American Cities, in 7 Report
Curitiba, Brazil: Successfully Integrating Land Use and Transport Policies, in 5 Report
Town Planning in Brazil: from "laissez faire" to state action, in 4 Report
Collective Interests in Brazilian Environmental Law, in Robinson, D. & Dunkley, J. (eds) Public Interest Perspectives in Environmental Law, Chichester: Wiley Chancery Law
Defending Collective Interests in Brazilian environmental Law: An Assessment of the Civil Public Action, in 3 RECIEL - Review of European Community & International Environmental Law
Extrajudicial Execution of Children: Shortcomings of Social Citizenship and the Fallacy of Criminal Justice in Brazil, in 12 The Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights
The legal regularisation of "favelas" in Brazil - The case of Belo Horizonte, in 2 Social & Legal Studies
Law, politics and environmental protection in Brazil, in 4 Journal of Environmental Law
Juridical-institutional aspects of metropolitan administration in Brazil, in 14 Third World Planning Review

In Portuguese

Book chapters:

Estatuto da Cidade: Promovendo o encontro das agendas "verde" e "marrom", in Steinberger, Marilia (org) Territorio, ambiente e politicas publicas espaciais, Brasilia: Paralelo 15/LGE
Urban Law and Urban Policy in Brazil, in Fernandes, Edesio (ed) Urban Law and Urban Policy in Brazil, Belo Horizonte: Del Rey
Law in Governance, in Fernandes, Edesio (ed) Law and Governance: trends in urban environmental management and the reform of the public sector (ed), Belo Horizonte: Escola de Governo da Fundacao Joao Pinheiro
The legal regularisation of favelas in Brazil (translation) in Saule Jr., Nelson (ed) Direito a Cidade, Sao Paulo: Max Limonad/Polis
Direito do urbanismo: entre a cidade 'legal' e a cidade 'ilegal'", in Fernandes, E. (org.) Direito Urbanístico. Belo Horizonte: Del Rey
Regularização de favelas: o caso de Belo Horizonte, in Fernandes, E. (org.) Direito Urbanístico. Belo Horizonte: Del Rey
Direito e Urbanização no Brasil, in Fernandes, E. (org.) Direito Urbanístico. Belo Horizonte: Del Rey
Algumas idéias sobre a Constituinte, in Weffort, F. et al Brasil: Crise e Alternativas, Belo Horizonte: SEGRAC
Articles in newsletters, newspapers, book reviews, book introductions
Um Novo Estatuto para as Cidades Brasileiras, in 22 Urbanismo - Revista da Associacao dos Urbanistas Portugueses, Portugal
Preservacao ou Moradia? Falso conflito, in 38 JB Ecologico
Regularizacao Fundiaria Sustentavel, in Jornal do Advogado, OAB-MG, No. 227, Abril
The return of the philosopher of the city: rediscovering Henri Lefebvre's oeuvre, in 1 Topos
Direito Urbano: acomodando interesses, in 3 Revista do Instituto Jones dos Santos Neves
Aspectos da gestão ambiental no Brasil, in 8 Revista Mineira de Saneamento Básico
PRO-FAVELA: Proteção a Favela, coordenacao do trabalho e participação na elaboração da cartilha publicada conjuntamente pela Secretaria de Estado do Trabalho e Ação Social de Minas Gerais e pela Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo Isabela Hendrix
Patrimônio Histórico-Cultural, coordenação do trabalho e participação na elaboração da cartilha publicada pela Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo Izabela Hendrix
Sistema Tributário Nacional: necessidade de reforma, in 8 Informativo PLAMBEL

In Spanish

Book chapters:

Redefinición de los derechos de propiedad en la era de la liberalización y la privatización, in Smolka, Martim O. & Mullahy, Laura (orgs) Perspectivas urbanas: temas críticos en políticas de suelo en América Latina, Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
La ley y la producción de ilegalidad urbana, in Smolka, Martim O. & Mullahy, Laura (orgs) Perspectivas urbanas: temas críticos en políticas de suelo en América Latina, Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
La influencia de El misterio del capital de Hernando de Soto, in Smolka, Martim O. & Mullahy, Laura (orgs) Perspectivas urbanas: temas críticos en políticas de suelo en América Latina, Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Regularización de la tierra y programas de mejoramiento: nuevas consideraciones (com Martim Smolka), in Smolka, Martim O. & Mullahy, Laura (orgs) Perspectivas urbanas: temas críticos en políticas de suelo en América Latina, Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Law, Urban Space and the Environment, in Fernandes, Edesio (ed) Derecho, Espacio Urbano y Medio Ambiente, Madrid: Dykinson/Onati International Institute for the Sociology of Law
Articles in academic journals
Limites y posibilidades de la democratizacion del acceso al suelo urbano y a la vivienda en Brasild espues del estatuto de la Ciudad, in 37 Ciudad y Territorio - Estudios Territoriales (Espanha/Madrid, Ministerio de Vivienda)
Vivienda y tierra urbana: Tenencia de la Tierra y Pobreza Urbana en America Latina, in 12 Vivienda Popular (Uruguai)
Agenda para una Sociologia del Derecho Urbano en Brasil, in 1 Enlace - Revista Peruana de Sociologia Jurídica
Derecho y transformaciones urbanas en Brasil, in 1/Ano LVII Revista Mexicana de Sociologia

In Italian

The legal regularisation of favelas in Brazil: problems and prospects (translation), in Storia Urbana

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Selected papers presented at international conferences and workshops

In English

The legal regularisation of favelas in Brazil, paper presented at the Workshop “Comparative Policy Perspectives on Urban Land Market Reform in Latin America, Southern Africa and Eastern Europe”, promoted by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Land regularisation programmes in Brazil: the experience of Belo Horizonte, paper presented at the International Conference “Surveying Tomorrow’s Opportunities”, promoted by South Africa’s Ministry of Land Affairs and the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements
Access to urban land and housing in Brazil: three degrees of legality, paper presented at the “Seminar Series” promoted by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and the Department of Urban Studies and Planning of MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Democratisation, Decentralisation and The Urban Question in Brazil and South Africa, paper presented at the "International Conference on Democratisation and Decentralisation in Africa and Asia", promoted by the Institute of Commonwealth Studies of the University of London
Popular Urbanisation and the Right to the City in Brazil, paper presented at the "Law and Urban Space Workshop", promoted by the Onati International Institute for the Sociology of Law
Environmental Protection in Brazil and the Amazon: a socio-legal approach, paper presented at the "South-North Centre Seminar Series”, promoted by the South-North Centre for Environmental Policy of the University of London
The Judicial Defence of Collective Interests in Brazilian Environmental Law, paper presented at the "Environmentalist Law Conference - Myth or Reality?", promoted by the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies of the University of London
The Missing Link: Metropolitan Regions, Urbanisation and Federalism in Brazil, paper published in the Annals of the Ninth Urban Change and Conflict Conference, Sheffield University, UK, promoted by the International Sociological Association
Extra-judicial execution of children in Brazil, paper presented at the "The Rule of Law Revisited - Critical Legal Conference Annual Meeting", promoted by the Critical Legal Conference
Human Rights Violations in the Time of Democracy: Brazil Today, paper presented at the "Congress on Human Rights for the 21st Century", promoted by the Onati International Institute for the Sociology of Law
The 'Right to the City' and the construction of citizenship in Brazil, paper presented at the "Congress on Human Rights for the 21st Century", promoted by the International Institute for the Sociology of Law
Legal Protection of the Environment - and of the Amazon - in Brazil, paper presented at the conference "Biodiversity and Environment - Brazilian Themes for the Future", promoted by the Linnean Society of London and the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew
Constitutional environmental rights in Brazil: distinguishing rhetoric from reality, paper presented at the conference "Human Rights Approaches to Environmental Protection in the Commonwealth and Beyond", promoted by the Commonwealth Institute and the School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London
Urban Law and Urban Change: an analysis of the Brazilian case, paper published in the Annals of the Eighth Urban Change and Conflict Conference, Lancaster University, UK, promoted by the International Sociological Association

In Portuguese

Reflecting upon the experiences of regularisation of favelas, paper presented at the seminar "Challenges of the Informal Town", promoted by UN - HABITAT II and the Municipality of Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Master Plan, paper presented at the "National Meeting of Municipal Attorneys", promoted by the Brazilian Institute of Administrative Law, Brazil
Metropolitan Administration, paper presented at the seminar The Future of Latin American Cities", promoted by UN - HABITAT II and the Municipality of Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Legality and Reality of Urban Legislation, paper presented at the seminar "Belo Horizonte debates its future", promoted by the Municipality of Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Urban Law in Brazil Today, paper published in the Annals of 5th Brazilian Conference on Administrative Law, IBDA/ALMG, Brazil
Aspects of environmental management in Brazil, paper published in the Annals of the "Environmental Situation and Quality of Life in Belo Horizonte's Metropolitan Region" Conference, ABGE/IGC-UFMG, Brazil

In French

Droit de l'urbanisme et reforme urbaine, paper presented at the "Fifth International Research Conference on Housing", promoted amongst others by the International Sociological Association, Montreal, Canada

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Land rights and urban and environmental law; land and urban planning, policy and management; informal land markets, regularisation and registration; constitutional law and human rights in developing and transition countries.

Portuguese (mother tongue), English, French, Spanish (fluent), Italian (good)

Educational and professional qualifications


Edesio Fernandes is a Brazilian legal consultant, lecturer, researcher and based in the UK. He is currently a part-time lecturer associated with several institutions: the Institute for Urban Development and Housing Studies (HIS) Rotterdam, Netherlands; the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy in Cambridge MA/USA; three Brazilian universities; and the DPU. He is the founder and former co-ordinator of the International Research Group on Law and Urban Space (IRGLUS), which is a partner of UN-HABITAT.

Edesio Fernandes

Edesio Fernandes

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