Caroline Moser

Ordinary Families, Extraordinary Lives: Assets and Poverty Reduction in Guayaquil 1978-2004 (Caroline Moser)

Caroline Moser has published reflections and analysis of a quarter of a century’s longitudinal research on the struggle out of poverty of three generations of families’ who started life squatting over tidal mangrove swamps in Guayaquil, Ecuador. [A review article from ‘The Guardian’ (UK national newspaper) and extract from the book’s Prologue].

Caroline Moser - publications

Written Books

Ordinary families: Extraordinary Lives: Getting out of poverty in Guayaquil, Ecuador 1978-2004, Washington DC, Brookings Press
Encounters with Violence in Latin America: Urban poor perceptions from Colombia and Guatemala, (with C. McIlwaine), London and New York, Routledge
Violence in a Post-Conflict Context: Urban Poor Perceptions from Guatemala, (with C. McIlwaine), Washington DC, World Bank Publications
Urban Poor Perceptions of Violence and Exclusion in Colombia, (with C. McIlwaine), Washington DC, World Bank Publication
Gender Planning and Development: Theory, Practice and Training, New York and London, Routledge (six editions) Published in Spanish (1995); Japanese (1997); Italian (1997); Arabic; Vietnamese, Chinese

Edited Books and Journals

Reducing Global Poverty: the Case for Asset Accumulation, Washington DC Brookings Press
Livelihoods, Assets and Social Policy, Co-editor (with A.Dani), Washington DC, World Bank (forthcoming)
‘Urban violence and insecurity’, Editor of Environment and Urbanization Journal special issue, Vol. 16. No 12. October 2004
Victims, Perpetrators or Actors? Gender, Armed Conflict and Political Violence, (Co-Editor with F. Clark) London Zed Press
Women, Human Settlements and Housing, (Co-Editor with L. Peake), London, Tavistock

Books in Spanish

Mujeres y Paz: Construcción de Consensos, Guia para procesos participativos e incluyentes, (with A.Acosta and M.E. Vasquez), Bogotá, Social Policy International
¿Como Evaluamos las Iniciativas de Mujeres por la Paz en Colombia?, (with F. Clark), Bogotá, Asdi/Banco Mundial
Ensayos Sobre Paz y Desarollo, Bogotá, Colombia, (Co-Editor with A.Solimano, F. Saez, and C. Lopez), World Bank/Tercer Mundo.
La Mujer Frente a las Politicas de Ajuste, Quito, (Co-Editor with Z. Palan and L. Rodriguez) CEPAM.

World Bank Monographs

Violence in Colombia: Building Sustainable Peace and Social Capital, (with S.Lister, C.McIlwaine, E. Shrader and A. Tornqvist), World Bank Country Study, Washington D.C. World Bank.
‘Mainstreaming Gender and Development in the World Bank: Progress and Recommendations’ (with A. Tornqvist and B. van Bronkhorst), Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Social Development Papers, Washington DC, World Bank
Urban Poverty and Violence in Jamaica (with J. Holland), World Bank Latin American and Caribbean Studies: Viewpoints, Washington DC, World Bank
Confronting Crisis: A Comparative Study of Household Responses to Poverty and Vulnerability in Four Poor Urban Communities’ Environmentally Sustainable Development Studies and Monograph Series No 8, Washington DC, World Bank

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Reviewed Journal Articles

‘Latin American Urban Violence as a Development Concern: Towards a Framework for Violence Reduction’, (with C. McIlwaine), World Development, Vol. 34, No 1, pp 89-112
‘Has gender mainstreaming failed? A Comment on international development agency experience in the South, International Feminist Journal of Politics, 7:4
‘Gender mainstreaming since Beijing: a review of success and limitations in international institutions’, (with A. Moser), Gender and Development, vol. 13, no 2
‘Urban violence and insecurity: An introductory roadmap’ Editor’s introduction, Environment and Urbanization Vol. 16 No 2 Oct. pp 3-16
‘Drugs, alcohol and community tolerance: an urban ethnography from Colombia and Guatemala, (with C.McIlwaine), Environment and Urbanization Vol. 16 No 2 Oct., pp 49-62
‘Poverty, violence and livelihood security in urban Colombian and Guatemala’, (with C. McIlwaine), Progress in Development Studies, Vol. 3, No 2
‘Social protection in Bolivia: An assessment in terms of the World Bank’s social protection framework and the Bolivian PRSP’, (with O.Antezana), Development Policy Review, Vol. 20, No. 5
‘Gender, conflict and building sustainable peace: recent lessons from Latin America’, (with F. Clark). Gender and Development, Vol. 9 No. 3, Nov pp 29-39
‘Insecurity and Social Protection - Has the World Bank got it right? Journal of International Development, Vol. 13, 361-68
‘Violence and Social Capital in Urban Poor Communities: Perspectives from Colombia and Guatemala’, (with C. McIlwaine), Journal of International Development, Vol. 13, 965-84
Participatory Urban Appraisal and its Application for Research on Violence, (with C.McIlwaine), Environment and Urbanization, Vol. 11, No. 2. Oct
‘The Asset Vulnerability Framework: Reassessing Urban Poverty Reduction Strategies’, World Development, Vol. 26, No. 1 pp. 1-19
‘Urban Social Policy and Poverty Reduction’ Environment and Urbanization, Vol. 7 No 1 April, pp. 159-172
‘Evaluating Gender Impacts’, New Directions For Evaluation, No 67, Fall, pp. 105-118
‘Women and Urban Policy’, Third World Planning Review, Vol. 17 No 2, May, pp. 223-236
‘Gender Planning: Different Approaches to Reproductive Health’, (with A. Tinker), The American University Law Review, Vol. 44 No 4, pp. 1113 - 1120
‘Mujeres de Bajos Ingresos, Tiempo y Triple Rol en Guayaquil, Ecuador, Proposiciones, Ediciones Sur 21, Santiago, Chile.
‘From Residual Welfare to Compensatory Measures: The Changing Agenda of Social Policy in Developing Countries', Institute of Development Studies Silver Jubilee Paper No. 6, Institute of Development Studies.
‘A Methodological Framework for Analyzing the Social Costs of Adjustment at the Micro Level: the Case of Guayaquil, Ecuador’, (With P. Sollis), Bulletin of the Institute of Development Studies, Vol. 22, No. 1.
‘Did the Project Fail? A Community Perspective on a Participatory Health Care Project in Ecuador’, (With P. Sollis), Development in Practice, Vol. 1, No. 1.
‘Participation and Housing the Poor', (With D. Marsden), Community Development Journal, Vol. 25, No. 1.
‘Gender Planning in the Third World: Meeting Practical and Strategic Gender Needs', World Development, Vol. 17, No. 2.
‘Community Participation in Urban Projects’ in the Third World' Progress in Planning', Vol. 32, Part 2.
‘The Impact of Recession and Structural Adjustment on Women: Ecuador', Development, Journal of the Society for International Development, 1989, 1.
‘Wohnungspolitik und Frauen - fur Eienen Geschlechtsbewubten Ansatz', Trialog, 11, 1 Quartel.
‘The Informal Sector Reworked: Viability and Vulnerability in Urban Development', Regional Development Dialogue, Vol. 5, No. 2.
‘Surviving in the Suburbios', Institute of Development Studies Bulletin, Vol. 12, No. 3.
‘Women of the Working Poor', (With K. Young), Institute of Development Studies Bulletin, Vol. 12, No. 3.
‘Why the Poor Remain Poor: the Experiences of Bogotá Market Traders in the 1970's', Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Vol. 22, No. 3.
’nformal Sector or Petty Commodity Production: Dualism or Dependence in Urban Development?’ World Development, Vol. 6, No. 9/10.
‘The Dual Economy and Marginality Debate and the Contribution of Micro-Analysis: Market Sellers in Bogotá', Development and Change, Vol. 8, No. 4.

Chapters in Books

‘Asset accumulation policy and poverty reduction’ in C. Moser (ed) Reducing Global Poverty: the Case for Asset Accumulation, Washington DC Brookings Press (forthcoming)
‘Intergenerational asset accumulation and poverty reduction in Guayaquil Ecuador (1978-2004)’ (With A. Felton), in C. Moser (op cit)
‘Assets and livelihoods: A framework for asset-based social policy’ in C. Moser (Ed.) Assets, Livelihoods and Social Policy, World Bank and Palgrave (forthcoming)
The construction of an asset index: Measuring asset accumulation in Ecuador, (with A. Felton), (forthcoming: press not decided)
‘Peace, Conflict and Empowerment: The Colombian Case’ in D. Narayan (ed.) Measuring Empowerment: Cross Disciplinary Perspective, Washington DC, World Bank
‘Violence, Fear and Insecurity among the Urban Poor in Latin America’ (with A. Winton and A. Moser) in M. Fay (ed.) The Urban Poor in Latin America, Washington DC, World Bank
‘Understanding poverty: urban longitudinal research methodology’ in N. Hamdi (ed.) Urban Futures: Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction, Rugby, ITDG Publishing
‘Rights, power and poverty reduction’ in R. Alsop (ed.) Power, Rights and Poverty: Concepts and Connections, World Bank/DFID
‘“Apt illustration” or “anecdotal information” Can qualitative data be representative or robust?’ in R. Kanbur (ed) Qual-Quant; Qualitative and Quantitative Methods of Poverty Appraisal, Delhi, Permanent Black
‘Introduction’, Gender, Armed Conflict and Political Violence’, (with F. Clark), London Zed Press
‘The Gendered Continuum of Violence and Conflict: An Operational Framework’, in Gender, Armed Conflict and Political Violence; London Zed Press
‘Gender and Social Capital in Contexts of Political Violence: Community Perceptions from Colombia and Guatemala’, (with C.McIlwaine), in Gender, Armed Conflict and Political Violence; London Zed Press
‘Violencia en Colombia: Como Construir una Paz Sostenible y Fortalecer el Capital Social’ in A. Solimano, F. Saez, C. Moser, C. Lopez (eds) Ensayos Sobre Paz y Desarollo, Bogotá, Colombia, World Bank/Tercer Mundo
‘Urban Poverty and Violence: Consolidation or Erosion of Social Capital?’ in S.J. Burki, S-R Aiyer and R. Hommes (eds.) Poverty and Inequality: Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, World Bank Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Washington DC World Bank
‘Can Policy-focused Research be Participatory? Research on Violence and Poverty in Jamaica using PRA Methods’ (with J. Holland), in J. Holland and J. Blackburn (eds.) Whose Voice? Participatory Research and Policy Change, London, Intermediate Technology Publications
‘Planificacion de Genero: Ojectivos y Obstaculos’ in E. Largo (ed.) Genero en el Estado Estado de Genero, Santiago, Chile, Isis
‘Urban Social Policy and Poverty Reduction’ in R. Burgess, M. Carmona, and T. Kolstee (eds), The Challenge of Sustainable Cities, London: Zed Books
‘Urban Poverty: How do Households Adjust’in Ecuador Poverty’ in Ecuador Poverty Report, World Bank Country Study, Washington DC, World Bank
‘Seeing the Invisible: Women, Gender and Urban Development' in R. Stren (ed.) Urban Research in the Developing World, Vol. 4: Thematic Issues, Toronto, University of Toronto, Centre for Urban and Community Studies
‘Pobreza Urbana, Politicas Sociales y Genero en un Contexto de Crisis Economica’ in Ducci, M; V.Fernandez and M. Sabordio (eds) Asentamientos Humanos, Pobreza y Genero: America Latina Hacia Habitat II, Santiago, Chile, GTZ - MINVU -PGU
‘Evaluating Gender Impacts’ in Evaluation and Development: Proceedings of the 1994 World Bank Conference, Washington DC, World Bank
‘From Nairobi to Beijing: The Transition from Women in Development to Gender and Development’, in Leonard, A. (ed.) Seeds 2: Supporting Women’s Work Around the World, New York, The Feminist Press
‘The Informal Sector Debate, Part 1: 1970-1983' in C. Rakowski (ed.) Contrapunto: The Informal Sector Debate in Latin America, Albany, State University of New York Press
‘Market Modernization Policy in Bogotá; Welfare Consequences for Low-Income Market Sellers', in Abel, C. and Lewis, C. (eds.) Welfare, Poverty and Development in Latin America, Basingstoke, Macmillans.
‘Gender Planning in the Third World: Meeting Practical and Strategic Gender Needs’ in Grant, R. and K. Newland, Gender and International Relations, Buckingham, Open University Press.
‘Ajuste Desde la Base: Mujeres de Bajos Ingresos, Tiempo y el Triple Rol en Guayaquil' in Z. Palan, C. Moser and L. Rodriguez, (eds) La Mujer Frente a las Politicas de Ajuste, Quito, CEPAM.
‘Le Politoche di Aggiustamento dal Basso; L'allocazione del Tempo e il Triplice Ruolo delle Donne Povere a Guayaquil, Ecuador' in Forum Valutaziones, Rome, Italy.
‘Adjustment From Below: Low-Income Women, Time and the Triple Role in Guayaquil, Ecuador', in Afshar, H. and Dennis, C. (eds.), Women, Recession and Adjustment in the Third World, Basingstoke, Macmillans. Republished in Radcliffe, S. and Westwood, S. (1993) ‘VIVA' Women and Popular Protest in Latin America, London and New York, Routledge.
‘Women and Self-Help Housing Projects: A Conceptual Framework for Analysis and Policy Making' in Mathey, K. (ed.) Beyond Self-Help Housing, London, Mansell.
‘The Urban Context: Human Settlements and the Environment' in Sontheimer, S. (ed.) A Reader on Women and Environment, London, Earthscan Publications.
‘Housing' in Ostergaard, L. (ed.) Gender and Development: A Practical Guide, London, Routledge.
‘Gender Planning in the Third World: Meeting Practical and Strategic Gender Needs' in Wallace, T. and Marsh, C. (eds.) Changing Perceptions: Writings on Gender and Development, Oxford, OXFAM Publications.
‘La Planificacion de Genero en el Terco Mundo: Enfrentando las Necesidades Practicas y Estrategicas de Genero' in Guzman, V., Portocarrero, P. and Vargas, V. Una Nueva Lectura: Genero en el Desarrollo, Lima, Peru, Entre Mujeres.
‘Women and Recession: Guayaquil, Ecuador' in Slater, F. (ed.) Societies, Choices and Environments, London, Collins Educational.
‘The Impact of Recession and Adjustment Policies at the Micro-Level: Low-income Women and their Households in Guayaquil, Ecuador', in Invisible Adjustment, Vol. 2, Santiago, UNICEF Americas and the Caribbean Regional Office.
‘The Social Construction of Dependency: Comments from a Third World Perspective' in M. Bulmer et al (eds) The Goals of Social Policy, Unwin Hyman, London and Boston.
‘Genero, Capacitacion y Planificacion' (With C. Levy), in M. Barrig (ed.) De Vecinas a Cuidadanas: La Mujer en el Desarrollo Urbano, Sumbi, Lima.
‘Women, Human Settlements and Housing: A Conceptual Framework for Analysis and Policy-making', in Moser and Peake (eds.) op cit.
‘Mobilization is Women's Work: Struggles for Infrastructure in Guayaquil, Ecuador' in Moser and Peake (eds) op cit.
‘Gender: The Experience of Poor Women in Guayaquil' in E. Archetti, P. Cammack and B. Roberts (eds.), Sociology of Developing Societies in Latin America, Basingstoke, Macmillan.
‘Women's Needs in the Urban System: Training Strategies in Gender Aware Planning' in J. Bruce, M. Kohn and M. Schmink (eds.) Learning about Women and Urban Services in Latin America and the Caribbean, New York, Population Council.
‘Las Restricciones al Crecimiento del Sector Informal y sus Implicaciones sobre las Politicas' in M. Jaramillo Botero and F. Uribe-Echeverria (eds.) Pobreza, Participacion y Desarollo Regional, Bogotá, CIDER Universidad de los Andes.
‘A Home of One's Own: Squatter Housing Strategies in Guayaquil, Ecuador', in A. Gilbert et al. (eds.), Urbanization in Contemporary Latin America, London, Wiley.

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Published Working Papers (with ISBN numbers)

Asset-Based Approaches to Poverty Reduction in a Globalized Context, Global Economy and Development, Working Paper No. 1, Brookings Institution
An Introduction to Gender Audit Methodology: Its design and implementation in DFID Malawi, London, Overseas Development Institute
Change, Violence and Insecurity in Non-Conflict Situations, (with D. Rodgers), ODI Working Paper No 245, London, Overseas Development Institute
‘Urban Longitudinal Research Methodology: Objectives, content and summary of Issues raised, (editor) in joint PDU-ODI-World Bank-DFID workshop, DPU Working Paper, No. 124
Violence in the Central American Region: Towards an Integrated Framework for Violence Reduction, (with Ailsa Winton), ODI Working Paper 17, London, Overseas Development Institute
Social protection policy and practice in Bolivia: Its implications for Bolivia’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP), (With Oscar Antezana), Overseas Development Institute Working Paper No 156. London, Overseas Development Institute
To Claim Our Right: Livelihood security, human rights and sustainable development, (with A.Norton), London, Overseas Development Institute
Latin American Experiences of Gender, Conflict and Sustainable Peace: Challenges for Colombia, (with F. Clark), Washington DC, World Bank *
‘Perceptions of Urban Violence: Participatory Appraisal Techniques’, (with C. McIlwaine), Urban Peace Program Series, Latin America and Caribbean Region Sustainable Development Working Paper No. 7, World Bank Washington DC *
‘Violence and Poverty in South Africa: Their Impact on Household Relations and Social Capital’, South Africa: Poverty and Inequality Informal Discussion Paper Series, Country Department I, Africa Region, World Bank, Washington DC.
‘A Conceptual Framework for Violence Reduction’, Urban Peace Program Series, Latin America and Caribbean Region Sustainable Development Working Paper No. 2, World Bank Washington DC *
Youth Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean: Causes, Costs, and Interventions, (with B. Van Bronkhorst), Urban Peace Program Series, Latin America and Caribbean Region Sustainable Development Working Paper No. 3, World Bank, Washington DC
Violence and Social Capital: Proceedings of the LCSES Seminar Series, 1997-98 (with S. Lister), Urban Peace Program Series, Latin America and Caribbean Region Sustainable Development Working Paper No. 5, World Bank, Washington DC
‘The Implications of Urban Violence for the Design of Social Investment Funds: A Case Study from the Jamaican SIF’, (with J. Holland and S. Adam), Infrastructure Notes, Dec. Urban. OU-10, Washington DC, World Bank
‘Urban Poverty Research Sourcebook: Module I: Sub-City Level Household Survey: Module II: Indicators of Urban Poverty, (with M. Gatehouse and H. Garcia), Urban Management Program Working Paper Series 5, Washington DC, World Bank *
‘The Economic and Political Agendas of Gender and Development’ in A Vision for Gender and Development: Outcome of an Expert Group Workshop 30 Jan-3 Feb, 1995; Stockholm, Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
‘Seeing the Invisible: Women, Gender and Urban Development’, Major Report No. 30, University of Toronto, Center for Urban and Community Studies
Urban Social Policy and Poverty Reduction, TWURD Working Paper No. 10, Washington, DC, The World Bank.
Urban Poverty in the Context of Structural Adjustment: Recent Evidence and Policy Responses, (With A. Herbert and R. Makonnen), TWU Departmental Paper No. 4, Washington, DC:, The World Bank.
‘Approaches to Community Participation in Urban Development Programmes' in M. Bamberger, A. Subramanian and E. Shield (eds.) Community Participation and the Role of International Aid Organizations, EDI, Washington, DC, The World Bank.
‘A Theory and Methodology of Gender-Aware Planning: Meeting Women's Practical and Strategic Gender Needs', (With C. Levy), Gender and Planning Working Paper No. 11, Development Planning Unit, University College London.
The Role of Women in the Execution of Low-Income Housing Projects, (With S. Chant), Nairobi, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (HABITAT).
A Survey of Empirical Studies in Industrial and Manufacturing Activities in the Informal Sector of Developing Countries, (with J. Marzie-Hazan), UNIDO 15/470, Vienna, UNIDO.
The Problems of Evaluating Community Participation in Urban Development Projects' in Evaluating Community Participation in Urban Development Projects, Development Planning Unit Working Paper No. 14, Development Planning Unit, University College London.

Externally Reviewed World Bank Urban Management Program Policy Papers (with ISBN numbers)

‘Household Responses to Poverty and Vulnerability, Volume 1: Confronting Crisis in Cisne Dos, Guayaquil, Ecuador’ Urban Management Program Policy Paper No 21, Washington DC, World Bank
‘Household Responses to Poverty and Vulnerability, Volume 2: Confronting Crisis in Angyalfold, Budapest, Hungary’, (with C. McIlwaine), Urban Management Program Policy Paper No 22, Washington DC, World Bank
‘Household Responses to Poverty and Vulnerability, Volume 3: Confronting Crisis in Commonwealth, Metro Manila, the Philippines’, (with C. McIlwaine), Urban Management Program Policy Paper No 23, Washington DC, World Bank
‘Household Responses to Poverty and Vulnerability, Volume 4: Confronting Crisis in Chawama, Lusaka, Zambia’, (with J. Holland), Urban Management Program Policy Paper No 24, Washington DC, World Bank

Main Consultancy Reports

‘DFID Malawi Gender Audit: Evaporated, invisibilized or resisted? (with O.Liwewe, A. Moser and N.Ngwira), Commissioned Report for DFID Malawi
‘Moving Ahead with Human Rights: Assessment of the Operationalization of the Human Rights Based Approach in UNICEF Programming: 2002’, (with A. Moser), Commissioned Report
‘Gender-Based Violence: A Serious Development Constraint’, (with A. Moser), Background Paper for Gender Unit, World Bank
‘Violence prevention through Urban Upgrading’ Feasibility study for the support of the Khayelitsha Urban Renewal Programme. Desk top study, KfW and City of Cape Town
‘The Local Initiatives for Peace Project, Colombia’, (with F. Clark), Final Evaluation Report for DFID and the World Bank
Sida Seedcorn Fund: Capacity Building Initiatives to strengthen Women’s Participation in the Peace Process in Colombia, (with F. Clark) (SIDA)
‘Strengthening the Capacity of DFID to Promote Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women in Bolivia’, Report for DFID
‘Strengthening the Capacity of DFID to Promote Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women in Peru’, Report for DFID
‘Mainstreaming Gender into Social Assessments’, (with A. Tornqvist and B. van Bronkhorst)
‘The capacity of communities and local government structures to manage community based development initiatives in Lesotho’, background report for Lesotho Social Investment Fund.
‘Urban Violence: Briefing Note’, prepared for James Wolfensohn, President World Bank
‘Community Needs Assessment Guide’, (with J. Holland), Belize Social Investment Fund.
‘Europe and Central Asia Regional Gender Action Plan’
‘Africa Regional Gender Action Plan’, (with M. Blackden).
‘Urban poverty and housing in the Philippines’, background paper for Philippines Strategy to Fight Poverty
‘Urban Poverty and Social Policy in the Context of Adjustment: Research Issues’, research background paper
‘Peru: Municipal Management, Infrastructure and Poverty Reduction’, (with F. Ford) operational paper.
‘Zambia Urban Poverty Assessment’, (With H. Cotton), chapter for the Zambia Poverty Assessment
‘Urban Poverty and Social Policy in Ecuador’, (with C. McIlwaine et al), chapter for Ecuador Poverty Assessment
‘Social Funds and Fund-like Projects: Meeting the Needs of Poor Urban Women’ workshop briefing document
‘Gender Issues in Development: Briefing Note’ for the World Bank Executive Directors’ Board Seminar

Films and videos

‘Encounter with Violence: Perceptions and solutions of Colombia’s urban poor’. Research Advisor for independent production video
‘People of the Barrio’ (study of urban poor in Guayaquil, Ecuador). Anthropological research advisor to Granada TV Series ‘Disappearing World’ for networked documentary

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Caroline MOSER

Urban social anthropology and social policy focusing on urban poverty, the informal sector, urban violence and youth exclusion; social capital and household vulnerability and coping strategies; gender and development, community participation, social dimensions of economic reform and informal settlements. Her current research interests include asset accumulation and the gendered impact of international migration on urban labour markets.

Caroline MOSER

Caroline Moser is Professor of Urban Development and Director of the Global Urban Research Centre, School of Environment and Development, University of Manchester.

Caroline Moser

Caroline Moser

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